Thursday, December 15, 2011

How has techomology changed the way you live life today compared to the past?


  1. Technology has always been a part of my life. However, it is not until later years in which it was actually intertwined with my average day. I first got a cell phone which was intended for emergency purposes in the 8th grade. Now, it's just something that I'm never without. It is used more recreationally and for more than just calling people.

  2. technology does us more good than harm: It's reconnected us with old college roommates, helped us learn a foreign language, and encouraged us to exercise.

  3. Technology has done much good for me as well. One thing in life that is very true is that time is priceless and technology has done a lot to help to save us a lot of time. We used to take hours and hours going to the library to research but now everything can be done with the touch of a button thanks to the search providers that are available to everyone in the world
