Sunday, December 11, 2011

From Kate McCracken

We have talked a lot about stereotypes in class, have you ever been
stereotyped? What were your feelings about the situation?


  1. I have been stereotyped based on just my outward appearance not so much my skin but based on my tattoos. The people that predominantly stereotype me are older people who have a certain view of people with tattoos. For the most part the older generation who have stereotyped me hasn't bothered me so much because of how things may have been and certain things they have gone through.

  2. One thing that came to mind is my family has been stereotyped. I have a lot of aunts and I've had someone ask me if any of then worked at a nail salon. I'm okay with these stereotypes, it doesn't offend me much.

  3. Yes I have been been stereotyped being a Mexican American. I feel like stereotypes lead to unrealistic views on not only my culture but others as well. Many people who believe in stereotypes are often uneducated and often times from my experience from older generations.

  4. Well I have been stereotyped, but not for being a Filipino. A lot of times people would just assume I was Mexican and asked me if I knew where good Mexican restaurants were, if I played soccer, do I like low riders, and other things, I would always just have to respond back with, "I'm Filipino" but I was never bothered by these questions haha

  5. I've been stereotyped a few times by my friends that aren't Filipino or Asian and I've never been offended by it because I know that they aren't entirely true.

  6. I've been stereotyped by some of my friends that weren't Filipino. They'll be like "You're hella filipino" when I do something that i guess is "hella filipino" I don't get offended, I just laugh about it.

  7. growing up i was always called dog eater. i didnt care much just because i knew everything was a joke and i would never eat a dog.

  8. Its strange but I have been stereotype but not that much. People just don't do it to me I guess. The only things that they do stereotype is the your asian so your good at math and the other is which race I am.
